This episode of WRAL’s Car Smarts is focused on one of the lesser-known gems in the Leith crown: the twice-annual Raleigh Classic Car Auction. Longtime residents of Raleigh might know that the Raleigh Classic happens every June and December in the Jim Graham building at the NC Fairgrounds just past the Beltline. And if you’re […]
Winter 2016 Raleigh Classic Happening in December
The semi-annual Raleigh Classic car auction is happening on December 2nd and 3rd, 2016 at the NC State Fairgrounds Expo Center and Jim Graham Building. The schedule for both days is 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. There will be a complimentary breakfast for registered bidders from 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m., and complimentary lunch from […]

Go Back in Time with The 2016 Spring Raleigh Classic
“Phwack, phwack!” The auctioneer’s gavel rings out. “$49,000 looking for $50,000. Do I hear $50,000?” He shouts quickly. In the crowd, a persistent bidder gives a subtle nod, “$50,000 ladies and gentlemen, we have $50,000. $50,000 Going once, $50,000 going twice, and, SOLD!” A stunning classic car rolls off the stage and another one takes […]
Where Does The Raleigh Classic Get Its Cars? And How Do We Transport Them?
Twice a year, The Raleigh Classic is held at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds in Raleigh, NC. We work our hardest to bring you a unique offering of classic cars of all makes and models that is completely different every time, or at least as close as we can make it. One question many people […]

Converting Your Classic to Electric Power: More Reliable and Eco-Friendly
A California company named Zelectric Motors is taking classic vehicles, ripping out all the gasoline power bits, and swapping in an electric motor. And before you protest that you bought your vintage V8 Mustang BECAUSE of the V8—The sound! The power! The chest-thumping!—consider that different doesn’t have to be bad. What are the benefits of […]