Road and Track has an excellent 64-photo gallery of film stars and their cars. The most striking aspect of the gallery is that the famous really do like their cars. A lot. Seeing Jack Nicholson’s face in all its manic glory as he drives a Volkswagen Beetle is all it took to convince us of […]
A Classic Electric Car: The BMW 1602e
It’s probably difficult to look at the road today, see all the electric cars gliding down the road without a sound, and say “There goes a classic car.” In part, this has to do with branding. Every electric vehicle sold is invariably touted as a new vision of the future, the evolution of automobiles, and […]
The Art of Naming Your Car: 5 Steps
Your car is special. Out of the millions that exist, you chose it. That, or it was handed down to you. Maybe you lucked into it. By virtue of its age, not a lot of people have what you have. And anything that special deserves a name. But what name? How do you name something? […]
Bernard Bredehorn’s “Bulletproof Beauty,” a 1972 Mercedes-Benz 280S/8
In the course of writing this blog, we seldom come across opportunities to cover foreign-made automobiles. It could be that our audience is much more geared toward American classics. When you look at the cars that are consigned to us each year, native brands are the overwhelming majority. This could be due to anything from […]

Are There Tips For Driving My Classic Car In the Snow?
Oh, child. You want to drive in the snow? Put another set of long johns on. Stir your hot chocolate. Tuck your feet under yourself. This is going to be a good read. Stay home – Not what you want to hear, right? It’s really the best though. Every year millions of people experience needless […]